The blog is back!
→ Cet article est traduit en français
Eight years have passed since the last article was posted on this blog! When you're caught in the whirlwind of action, it's hard to find the time to share our journey. However, these past few years have been eventful.

We've launched several successful games like Mr Jump, Mr Bullet and The Superhero League. We've also faced numerous setbacks that have taught us invaluable lessons. For the first time in our studio's history, we've expanded our team. Finally, after transitioning from native iOS games to multiplatform games, we are embarking on a new technological shift that is steering us toward 3D and multiplayer games—a significant milestone for us.

We plan to revisit these pivotal moments in future articles. However, I'm convinced that the future of 1Button will be even more exciting than the past ten years. There's so much more to share. We're relaunching this blog primarily to document our own journey. Of course, if our adventures pique the curiosity of our visitors, we'll be delighted to share our experiences with them.

To reboot this blog and our social media channels (X et Instagram), we are enlisting the help of our new assistant: ChatGPT. It already assists us in writing numerous texts for our games: notifications, descriptions, press releases, and even some translations. Fine-tuning is always needed, but this AI's assistance is a precious time-saver, especially for our English writings.

Stay tuned for a new article every week, and feel free to leave your comments or questions below. We'll touch base again soon!
27 août 2023